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Thursday, September 24, 2009

how to convert microgram to milligram

Microgram (mcg) and Milligram (mg) are units of measurement of mass under the International Standard (SI units). Knowledge and use with these equivalent factor conversions are important: 1 microgram is 10 to the power of negative 6 of a gram and 1 milligram is 10 to the power of negative 3 of a gram. This means that a milligram is a thousand smaller than a gram and a microgram is a million smaller than a gram. Using these factor conversion in the computation, 1 mcg is equal to 0.001mg. You can use the automatic calculator on this webpage and enter the values you want.

Enter your here values to convert microgram to microgram (mass) and vice versa:


Urine Microscopy: Amorphous Urates

Amorphous urates are laboratory results seen under the microscope in a urine specimen. It is most common in specimens examined after refrigeration. It is characteristically seen grossly as pink pellets after centrifugation. But seen under the microscope it is seen as yellow to brown aggregates of small rounded particles. Which adheres to mucus threads and casts. Presence of amorphous urates in urine specimen proves little clinical value.

Hemovac Autotransfusion System

Hemovac is the product brand of autotransfusion system developed and marketed by Zimmer, Inc. It is circular and drum-shaped which function as a suction under negative pressure. It is used primarily in postoperative patient who require slow but constant wound drainage of fluid in the operative site. It can also be used to salvaged the patient’s own blood during the operative procedure and thereafter can be given via autotransfusion. Another system with similar features is the Jackson-Pratt (JP) drain. You can visit the official website of Hemovac for more information regarding their product:

Anatomy of Pelvic Bone

The pelvic bone is a irregular ring-shaped structure which is composed of three separate bones but are fused, namely: ilium, ischium, and pubis. Its function is primarily for to weight bearing. The weight of the upper body, in sitting and standing position, transfers from the axial skeleton to the lower appendicular skeleton. The pelvic bone likewise provide attachments to several powerful muscles the thigh and abdomen which serves for locomotion and posture. The characteristic shape of the pelvis reflects the form of locomotion and body mass of humans which are bipedal, someone who walks with two legs. Wherein the iliac crests are parallel to the vertically oriented sacroiliac joints. While for animals who are quadrupedal, the bones are in parallel to the horizontally oriented sacroiliac joints.

Homeostatis of Organ Systems

The organ systems in the human body are intricately in homeostasis with each other that one cannot survive without the existence of the other. Each and every organ we have are important and serves its specific function. Some of the organ system functions are: the pulmonary system is composed of the lungs and functions to oxygenate the blood and release metabolic byproduct carbon dioxide; the hepatobiliary system is composed of the liver and the spleen and functions in carbohydrate, protein, and cholesterol metabolism not to mention its other function to filter and metabolize all toxins converting them to non-harmful substances; the renal system is composed of the kidneys and functions to eliminate the metabolized ammonia in the form of urea thereafter excreted into the urine; the digestive system is composed of organs running from the mouth to the anus and it functions to digest food and absorb nutrients thereafter excrete fecal waste material; the reproductive system is composed of external and internal genitalia and functions for mating and sexual reproduction; and the central nervous system is composed of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves function to centrally control and moderate the functions of all the organ systems. These organ systems individually functions in tandem and contribute to create a homeostasis.

Sensitivity and Specificity

Sensitivity and specificity are study measurements used in research analysis. They are used to measure the data performance of given values in terms of its positive or negative predictive values. Likewise, these measurements are used most commonly in the field of medical research.

Sensitivity refers to the portion of the study population whose actual positives are correctly identified. Specificity refers to the measured proportion of the study population whose negatives are correctly identified.

For example, imagine that a medical research is ongoing whose objective is to determine if a population of patients are diabetic or not. The study outcome can be either positive (diabetic) or negative (healthy):
True positive - Diabetic people correctly diagnosed as diabetic
False positive - Healthy people wrongly identified as diabetic
True negative - Healthy people correctly identified as healthy
False negative - Diabetic people wrongly identified as healthy

To calculate for the sensitivity and specificity of the given study just use the following equations:
Sensitivity = number of True Positives / (number of True Positives + number of False Negatives)
Specificity = number of True Negatives / (number of True Negatives + number of False Positives)

In interpreting the study results, the higher the sensitivity the less likely the disease is present (rule out the disease) and the higher the specificity the more likely the disease is present (rule in the disease).

how to convert kilowatt to horsepower

Kilowatt (kW) and Horsepower (HP) are units of measurment of power. Calculate conversion of kilowatt to horsepower requires background knowledge in simple physics and mathematics. Knowledge and use with these equivalent factor conversions are important: 1 Kilowatt is equal to 1000 W and 1 HP is defined to be exactly 746 W. Using these factor conversion in the computation, 1 HP is equal to 0.746 kW. If you want to use this automatic calculator on this webpage.

Enter your here values to convert kilowatt to horsepower (electric) and vice versa:


Sunday, August 30, 2009

Neutropenia and the Necessary Precautions

Neutropenia is the pathologic state of the immune system having a low count of neutrophils. Neutrophils are the white blood cells of the body that makes up 50-70% of the entire population. It functions as primary cellular defense against bacteria and viruses that were able to invade the blood and subcutaneous tissues. Neutropenia is classified into three subgroups: mild (<1,500 ANC), moderate (<1,000 ANC), or severe (<500 ANC) based on the laboratory absolute neutrophil count (ANC) measurement of cells per microliter of blood. Any neutropenic individual is advised follow the universal standard precautions: such as wearing a mask at all times; refrain from having direct contact with other individual with infectious diseases; proper and constant hand washing and bathing; avoid eating/drinking unfamiliar food or fluids. It is important to note that the lower the ANC the greater the risk and susceptibility of a neutropenic individual to fevers and frequent infections.

Inguinal Hernia vs Cryptorchidism

A swelling on one side of the groin signifies a mass which could a hernia, cryptorchidism, or an anterior abdominal wall mass. Hernia is an outward protrusion of a structure through the muscle tissue or membrane. It is both most common among infants and older because the pathophysiology of this disease is due to the weak or weakened anterior abdominal wall that should normally prevents the formation of a hernia. The presence of a reducible mass that disappears with application of pressure indicates a hernia. Cryptorchidism is the absence of one or both of the testes on the scrotal sac. The testis can be found mostly in the inguinal canal or high above its tract. The presence of a movable mass on the groin and does not reduce with pressure indicates a cryptorchid. Any mass on the anterior abdominal wall, whether nodular or cystic, must be excluded primarily to arrive with a correct and sound diagnosis because the mass itself present similar characteristics that of a hernia and a crytorchid.

Sinus Pressure Points

The sinus is a hallow chamber within the bone structures of the skull. There are four sinuses in the skull, namely: frontal, maxillary, ethmoid, and sphenoid sinuses. The sinuses functions to lighten the weight of the head and aids in phonation of words and sounds. Notice that if your sinuses are clogged your head feels to heavy and that there is a change in the tone of your voice. Frontal and maxillary sinuses are considered both major sinuses and symmetrically in pairs. The sinus pressure points can be found on both your cheeks, which is approximately the site of the maxillary sinuses, and the area above your eyebrows, which is approximately the site of the frontal sinuses. When you have sinusitis, one or more of your sinuses are clogged and filled with fluids and transudates. Thus this condition would cause slight pain when the skin areas are touched or pressed.

Total Abdominal Hysterectomy Incisions

Total abdominal hysterectomy refers to the complete removal of the uterus. The surgical site is accessed via an incision on the abdominal wall. The fallopian tubes (oviducts), ovaries, and adjacent structures are not included with the removal. The type of incision for abdominal access of current surgical use are: infraumbilical vertical median incision, paramedian vertical incision, or the Pfannensteil incision. The traditional infraumbilical vertical median incision, is an vertical incision running below the umbilicus towards and near the margin of pubic hair. The main advantages of this technique are: it has the least time needed to perform the procedure and it provides the most convenient access to the surgical site but offers lesser aesthetic value when the skin incision heals. The Pfanensteil incision is a slightly curved incision along the top margin of the pubic hair line. It is sometimes referred as, the "bikini cut." Although this technique is cumbersome for the surgeon due to limitations in accessing the surgical site, this is preferred by most patients because of faster healing and least formation of a incision scar.

The Importance of Chemistry as a Science

Chemistry is the study of the compositions, structures, functions, and properties of matter. It describes the interactions of chemical substances and the changes matter undergoes during any chemical reactions. Its importance as a science cannot be understated because life itself is rooted and functions on the basic fundamentals of chemistry. The different biomolecular reactions that happen inside the human body is an evidence of its prime importance. It is also worth mentioning the great technological advancements that chemisty has contributed in the field of pharmacology and drug production. Without the knowledge of chemistry we can never understand the basic functions of the human body and thereafter formulate a cure for certain diseases or pathology.

The Measures of Central Tendency

The measures of central tendency are methods used in the study of statistical data and values. The three measures of central tendency are the mean, median, and mode.

The mean is also called the "average" is the most common used measure of central tendency. It is the sum of all the given sample then divided by the number of the added samples. For example, given the sample of 3+4+6+11 = 24 divided by 4, so the mean is 6.

The median is the middle point of a given sample or distribution. For example, given the sample of 2,2,3,3,4,4,5,6,6,7,7,8,8 the median is 5. A good technique to find the median is to arrange the sample from the lowest to the highest then determine the middle most number. But if the sample has even number of distribution then you have to get the average of the two middle most numbers. For example, given the sample of 2,2,3,3,4,4,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,9 the two middle most numbers are 5 and 6, the average is (5+6)/2 = 5.5 Therefore, 5.5 is the median of the given sample.

The mode is the most frequently occuring value in a given sample. For example, given the sample 2,2,3,3,4,4,4,5,6,6,7,7,8,8 the most frequently occuring number is 4. This measure of central tendency is used primarily to determine the frequency distribution of values in a given sample.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

What happens if you mix vinegar and baking soda?

Vinegar is chemically composed of acetic acid with a chemical structural formula of CH3COOH. Baking soda is chemically composed of sodium bicarbonate with structural formula of NaHCO3. Combination of these two distinct compound results into chemical reaction producing distinct chemical products and byproducts. The reaction between baking soda and vinegar is a chemical process starting with an acid base reaction followed by a decomposition reaction. The resulting reaction releases H+ ion, carbonic acid (H2CO3), and sodium acetate (CH3COONa). The carbonic acid immediately decomposes to water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2). In summary, the combination of vinegar and baking soda produces sodium acetate, hydrogen ion gas, carbon dioxide, and water.

Ulnar Nerve Glide

  • Place your arm out to your side with the wrist pulled back as if you are saying "stop"
  • Bring your fingers toward your ear as if to cup the ear with the palm, fingers pointing to the shoulder. Stop when you feel a gentle tension.
  • Bring your hand back out to the side until tension is relieved
  • Repeat 10 times.

As an alternative:

  • Hold your arm out to the side, elbow straight, fingers gently curved but not in a fist
  • Rotate your arm fully until the palm is up.
  • Gently tilt your head (bring opposite ear towards opposite shoulder) until you feel tension
  • Straighten the neck until tension is relieved
  • Repeat 10 times

Monday, August 24, 2009

Diastasis recti

Diastasis recti is a Greek terminology meaning the separation of the rectus abdominal muscles into separate right and left halves. Thus, causing an unnatural opening in the abdominal wall resulting to evisceration of the abdominal contents usually involving the intestines. This condition is apparent among pre-term newborns whose midline fusion of the abdominal wall on gestation fails to occur. In this era of greater advancement in diagnostic medicine, it is now possible with the aid of ultrasound to diagnose intrapartum this surgically correctable malformation. Another minor form of diastasis recti can occur among post-term mothers, this condition resulting from the stretching of the rectus abdominis muscles and thinning of the abbdominal wall by the growing gravid uterus. Immediate evacuation and delivery of the fetus is necessary to prevent impending maternal and fetal complications.

The Slide Gram Staining Technique

The performance of the Gram stain procedure is a standard laboratory technique to adequately visualize microscopically the organism under study. Primarily you need to have the necessary equipments and materials on hand, these are: microscope glass slides, glass cover slips, copper wire loop, Bunsen burner, solutions (crystal violet stain, Gram's iodine stain, 0.25% safranin stain, and 95% alcohol), and a dropper for each solution.

Using the Bunsen burner, heat the copper wire loop until it luminesce, allow it to cool for 2-3 minutes then get a sample of the specimen, and smear it on the microscope glass slide adequately covering the central most area. Then heat fix the smears to allow the water to evaporate, then allow it to cool.

Stain the microscope slide as follows: (1) Using a dropper, flood the microscope slide with crystal violet for one minute then pour off excess dye and wash it gently in with tap water and drain then dry the slide with a drying paper. (2) Using a dropper, flood the slide with the Gram's iodine for one minute then pour off the excess dye again wash with tap water and drain but this time do not dry with paper. (3) Using a dropper, wash with 95% alcohol for 30 seconds, to decolorize the stains, then wash with tap water and drain. (4) Finally, using a dropper, counterstain the smear with the 0.25% safranin for 30 seconds, and again wash with tap water and drain. Dry blot with paper.

You are now ready to visualize the slide under the microscope. You can appreciate the bacterial cells of its morphology, grouping, and relative sizes.

The Cranial Nerves

Cranial Nerves